Tailored to
your ideas
MBA Costruzioni
carries out the
We carry out interior and exterior renovations starting from detailed plans, or we can create new
living and working places that are entirely customisable, from scratch.
Renovations are carried out in masonry, plasterboard, gypsum plaster, reinforced concrete and
girder structures.
Each renovation is completed according to a timetable of activities, which the team follows in order
to respect and optimise deadlines and costs.
We are well equipped to complete specialised and complex projects, such as the renovation of
attics, flooring, or the refurbishment of building facades.
When work is carried out on listed buildings, MBA Costruzioni complies with the standards of the
superintendency for heritage, with highly qualified and certified personnel.
a regola d'arte
Our team handles construction and renovation work, both for private individuals and companies,
overseeing each phase and assisting the customer even after the work has been completed,
demonstrating maximum professionalism and availability.
In addition, a schedule is drawn up during the planning phase to ensure that the agreed-upon
delivery times and costs are met.